Pet sitter, dog walker, cat care & much more
We do more than pet sitting cats and dogs! Northern Adelaide Pet Sitters are familiar and experienced with many different animals so we can also take care of your rabbits, chickens, fish, ferrets, guinea pigs, birds, lizards, turtles and frogs. We are also happy to learn about animals that we aren’t quite so familiar with.
We also do more than just dog walking… no going on vacation, just busy and in need of a dog walker? Talk to us about our dog walker services.
Having a dog walker is a great way to keep your pet fit and happy. It also keeps them occupied, reducing destructive behaviours that often result from boredom.
Dog walker services
• Dogs always secured on lead or harness
• Only walk the clients dogs – no group walks
• Dogs never left unattended while walking
• Treats supplied at end of walk (with owners consent)
Our Pet Minding Fees
Premium Value
- For independent pets
- Fresh water
- Food replenishment
- Litter change
- Pats and hugs
Pamper Plus
- For extra special pets
- In addition to ‘Premium Value’
- Brushing and playing
- Walking or just companionship
- Reassurance and bonding